I am a bit intimidated with the idea of TNVR. How do I trap a cat?


TNVR (Trap – Neuter – Vaccinate – Return) is the only humane and effective means of feline population control. Here is how it’s done.

Techniques to Ensure Success

  1. Get the cat on a regular feeding schedule. Most feral and strays come out in the evening. Set food out after dinner, but before dusk and never leave it out overnight. This will get the cat to return at the same time every day. You can trap earlier on an intake day, but don’t trap overnight unless absolutely necessary. If you only have late night feeders, discuss overnight trapping strategy with us.
  2. Bait and set the trap. Place a small amount of food on a paper plate and place it behind the traps step plate. Set your trap and wait until the cat returns for its regular feeding, and hopefully walks into the trap, setting it off.
  3. Cover the cat. Always cover the trap immediately after trapping to calm the cat. After being trapped the cat will panic. In order to calm him/her, cover the trap with a sheet or towel. If possible, remove the trapped cat from the feeding area to prevent it from spooking other cats. Keep the cat in an area that is temperature comfortable until you can get to your scheduled appointment.


If That Doesn’t Work, Try This…

  • Feed inside the trap for a few days. Use a zip tie or rope to hold the trap open and allow the cat to acclimate to the new scenery, and start gradually putting the food closer and closer to the trap until it is eating the food directly inside, and then set the trap.
  • Use stinky bait. Use wet canned cat food, tuna (in water), or jack mackerel. On cold days, microwave it bring out the smells and lure the cat in.
  • Limit food day prior to trapping. Only feed half as much as normal. This will ensure the cat is hungry.
  • Utilize these strategies when cats are not cooperating:  Capturing Hard to Catch Cats


Other Tips & Techniques

  • Do not leave traps set overnight or unattended for long periods of time.
  • Collect as many cats as you can. .


Source: Carol’s Ferals, Michigan