Directory Listing Detail
Want to stop the epidemic and overpopulation of felines in our neighborhoods & pet clinics? Look no further, for we do not euthanize!
We will help with spaying, neutering and many other needs of feline friends that are owned as pets, and/or those that are strays or ferals in your neighborhood and/or households. We also offer adoptions when possible and population allows.
Angels of Assisi is expanding their locations in nearby areas of Roanoke, VA. Strays & feral feline friends are only $45 if brought in live traps.
Owned felines are $84 after a one-time consult. As we also cater to dogs, animals must be brought in between 7:30am and 8:30am and picked up between 5pm and 5:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of every week, of all seasons of the year, for your convenience.
As per these fees it will include a chipped ear to notify being fixed and the following vaccines: 3-year Rabies, RSVP, FIV/FeLV Combo Testing (Leukemia and Feline Aids), etc. Microchips are only $10 even.
Come one, come all & help us help you care for all our furry friends. Donations are always welcome! Thank you & may God bless all the kitties and dogs of the world!